
  NATURE NEWS                                                                                                        13 December 2023  Ladybirds’ Lifecycle Right now, some harlequin ladybirds are still searching for a place where to spend the winter. This Asian ladybird is a newcomer to the UK that has established itself. The other common ladybird in our area is the 7-spot ladybird, but it has retired earlier to all sorts of nooks and crannies; the last harlequins will soon follow. Look in your shed! Ladybirds overwinter in the adult stage and, yes, they are very resistant to the cold. In the Spring they become active, mate and soon lay egg clusters under leaves that look uncannily like the cabbage butterfly’s eggs, but the latter are ribbed. In any case, leave those eggs well alone, until they hatch. The ladybird larvae look like little crocodiles and are very voracious. Later they pupate where they have been feeding. When the adults emerge,